New Year, New Job

New Year, New Job?

new job career

The New Year brings a new start to our lives and many of us will make new year’s resolutions that will include goals and plans for the new year. Will you be looking for a change of career? A new and exciting job? Are there skills you’ve always wanted to develop? Or a hobby you would like to turn into a career?

Fresh Start

A lot of us will forget our resolutions in a few months so it’s important to make plans. Take the opportunity of the new year to think about what you would like to achieve. Write down your ideas, dreams and ambitions – you can formalise them later. Changing careers is one of the most popular resolutions people will make but making them a reality can be more challenging.

Key tips for planning a new career

  • Think about what you want to do – what will your new career be?
  • How achievable is it? (Salary is probably a major factor)
  • Will you need to study/train for it?
  • Where do you want to be this time next year?

Make a plan

It can help focus your mind and actions to have a plan. This doesn’t have to be a lengthy detailed document – outline the steps that you need to take to get to your goal. Have a look at our Career Change section.

New year, new you

This new year could the start of an exciting time. It’s a time when we stop and take stock of what we really want to achieve in life and our dreams and goals. If you’re planning a new career as part of this new year, have a look at some useful articles here:

Support for Career Change

Plan for Career Change

Career Change – examples of people who wanted to change careers from the Guardian.